Before we get down to business, there's some congratulations in order for all of us - for the team effort which saw this blogsite cross another milestone, garnering 10000 views since it's inception. Started in 2011 as the third blog in my arsenal, this one briefly thrashed about like a fish out of water, died, then rose like a phoenix early last year, and has been flying high ever since. Thank you for that!!!
Welcome to a brand new Weekend!!! And boy did I miss them. A weekend becomes a weekend only when you are cooped up in an office for the preceding five days. And in those terms, this is my first such weekend since early December last year. And boy did I miss them. I think I said that already. Who cares, I really did miss this weekend feeling a lot.
The anticipation of the upcoming weekend is what keeps the mind sane during the week. Even though most weekends are the same and mostly repetitive, that doesn't make them boring in any sense. The repeated repetition is not something which makes it mundane. The iterative deja vu is something you get used to.
And as per the laws of control systems, this is how you acquire stability - when you get the same result over a long period of time. You would think that repetition and stability are by themselves bad things, but then you are too young to yearn for them. Once you get to a certain age - something I believe I had reached a long time ago - all you want is this repetition, this stability, this boredom.
Take for instance my nephew, Ambadi. I've lost count of the number of times he repeats what he's doing for what seems like an eternity. All of three years, he is yet to know the nuances of life. But even with the endless possibilities and discoveries to be made, he dedicates his time to repetition. I remember the day he was given a kiddie lunch box. It had three compartments which could be taken apart and put together. I showed him how to do it, and he just sat there for three hours straight doing it again and again. I am waiting for him to grow up so that I can get to know the thought process behind such behaviour.
And talking about repetition, whatever takes the effort to repeat in our life is never to our satisfaction. Just think about how great our lives would have been if we could relive the best days of our lives. It's true that it might leave a sort of groundhog day effect on us, but still who hasn't thought of going back to college once more. Those were the best days of my life. And by what my friends who are/were pursuing higher degrees claim, one of the reasons why they are/were doing it.
If you ask me where I'm going with all this, I just don't know. I had all these thoughts inside of me, and you have been a kind ear to me all along. If by some twist of fate, these ramblings induce some great thought in you, I'll be humbled. That is afterall the purpose of writing - not to sow the seeds of curiosity and questioning into the mind's landscape, but to act as a fertilizer, as a contributor which will enable the mind to explore its boundaries.
As for the "5 things" for this week, we'll look at some of the Stabilized Repetition we have come across.
1. Onam celebration in Thiruvananthapuram
I had written a little about this. The celebration is over a week long. It has the city all decorated in lights, the main ground filled with joy rides and people, and it ends with a procession through the city. I've been going to this for eight years, and it has always been the same rides and the same route. But each year, the crowd's more and more.
2. Marriage
Introducing to you the flagship of Stabilized Repetition - the institution of marriage. That's all.
3. Weekends
Like I said before, weekends are the prime example of repetition being not boring.
4. My loo routine
At the public loos that I've to visit often (like at office), I always have a favourite stall when I go to the loo. I had decided mine at my new office by the end of my first day. Not only do I have a favorite one, I've a top three - you know just in case the first one is busy. It's crazy I know, but I sort of find some peace in this. Figure that out.
5. THIS!!!
Blog. Every week. 77 weeks. Repetition. Stability.
GOD!! You people must have got sick of me saying that so much. Jokes aside, I'm happy that a simple request back in March 2013 has resulted in so many people hating me.
Nothing much to add on all that really. I'll most probably have a request to make to you people next week. We've about 110+ posts on the blog and there are plans to expand the blog's audience. The said plans are currently being worked on by my marketing manager. Being a non-profit organization (look around, there are no ads), I hope the manager is willing to accept [goodwill/a hand of friendship] and [a pat on the back/a hug] as remuneration.
So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.