Monday, November 18, 2013

Right next to her

It must be the effect of watching all those movies, that the first thing I do when I go on a journey alone is to check who my neighbour is - my neighbour as in the person with whom I'm to spent the next few hours with. And everytime, I would wish that the said person would be of the female variety, of an appropriate age, so that I can work my "flirting" skills on her.

In the past three years, the only place I had to go to was home, and since it is quite far away, I had to use the air transport to get there. And in flights, you are placed in a row of 6, split in the middle by an aisle- like you would find in any normal bus. But alas, I had the worst luck in flights, when it came to having a neighbour of my preference. Let me give you an instance depicting my luck in one such journey.

I had been given the middle seat in row 10. As I approached what would be that row, I viewed in disbelief the two women (of European descent!!!) sitting on both sides of that seat. I was so convinced of my bad luck, that I went ahead and sat in the row behind them, thinking that there is no way they were sitting in row 10. After five minutes, the real occupant of the middle seat in row 11 came and evicted me from that seat. And as you can expect, I went and sat in the middle seat of row 10, in between two gorgeous ladies. I couldn't believe my luck.

And by the time, I started believing in my luck, we had landed.

You see, in the 25 odd flights that I've taken  in a period of 3 years, I never ever had the company of a lady. That's the reason why I had so much trouble in believing my good luck

The only other instance of such a situation was when I was on my way back here to Delhi two weeks before. I was waiting in line to check in at the airport, when my ken fell on this beautiful entity. Without speaking a word, heck without even sharing a glance, I knew she had it. She wouldn't make many heads turn, but she had this character that I love in a woman. And at that moment, there was only one wish in my heart.

"God!! Please let her sit right next to me."

And an hour after I started making that wish, you would find me entering the aircraft, making my way to the window seat in row 12. But this time, my eyes were not scanning for the seat numbers, but for her. And I saw her seated at the middle seat, right about at the place where row 12 should be. I couldn't believe my luck, and thanked GOD for doing this for me.

I reached row 12, I kept my bag in the overhead cabin, went past my neighbour in the middle seat, and placed myself in the window seat - with a big frown on my face.

She was in row 11. And by the time the flight took off, she moved to the window seat in that row - right in front of me.

I guess, I should have been more explicit in my prayer. The one above and the lady luck had used the loophole in my earlier prayer to place me right next to her, without actually giving any chance of making contact. I should have wished, "God!! Please let her sit right next to me, in the same row."

Considering that, in that prayer, he could place us in the same row at the seats either side of the aisle, I should have been more specific.

"GOD!! Please let me sit in Seat 12A and she in 12B in the flight no. 6E-316."

I'm pretty sure that, with my luck, there could be a loophole in that statement too.

The last I saw of her was she walking away with the trolley bag, into the night in this capital city. I don't know her name, I don't remember her face; but more importantly, and most probably, she doesn't even know that I exist.

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