Showing posts with label episode. Show all posts
Showing posts with label episode. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Handover forms

The following story is entirely fictional, a work of my imagination and is in no way related to any similar events unfolding at any place right now.


It's not often that Venu decides to humor us with anything personal, so we were all ears when he started off on this one the other day. Over our weekly catch up session at the cafe, he was talking about his latest boss.

As bosses go, this was quite the queer one. He was well abled to lead a team and he did it quite sincerely and successfully. We did know that Venu had some problem with him, but what exactly was the reason for it was unknown until he started this rant that day.

"Since my last promotion, my only area of concern at the office was to handle the inventory. All the equipments and tools required by the various departments are stored at my warehouse. And these departments give request for these things to me and I allot it to them."

"The problem came when two departments needed the same thing. If I had already allotted it to one, the other department would hold me responsible for any delay in work. We stated pre-booking, but it increased the workload on my staff."

"I asked my higher officials to make this whole system online so that all departments can view who is using what, and pre-book equipments, and so plan their work."

"But like with all government institutions, nothing happened. Being a little adventurous, I ventured to make the system myself. And bit by bit, over five years, I made the system and implemented it successfully."

"It's easier for a person to cough out a complaint than a praise. And so the only accomplishment of the work I had done was the obvious lack of complaints."

"I confess that it was more for my fascination, my satisfaction and my ease of work that I did this. And so the fact that I didn't get much recognition for the work didn't hurt me that much."

"And so when my new boss came in one fine morning, saw this system and blatantly asked me for the code so that he could change it and present it to his seniors as his own work, I felt quite righteous to be irritated by the request."

"Not only was I not recognized for the work, the fact that I was asked to give up my entire effort as if it was their property, made me angry. I refused."

"He is now pestering me daily for the same. And even though I keep saying no in very clear terms, he keeps coming back, without any shame."

"Just think about that. This system is like my child - something I gave life to, I nurtured, brought up - and now this guy comes in asks me to give it all up."

"I won't give it up. It's unethical, against moral, indecent and preposterous."

After a brief pause, he asked us.

"And you all agree with me too, right??"

We all nodded in the affirmative, and I guess that's all he wanted from us. A token of support.

The talk turned to more mundane things, and we all decided to call it a day soon after. Ravi was dropping me off. He was more pensive than usual and my curiosity got the better of me, as I asked him what was on his mind.

"You know that I had gone to meet her parents last week right. Well, I didn't tell you the whole story. There was one thing, which I felt was a negative, till Venu shared his story today."

"That entire day her father was acting weird around me. He was around everyone else, but was not ready to accept my presence in his home. He wasn't making eye contact, he wasn't asking me anything, we hardly shared anything more than the customary greetings."

"But at the same time, to be in line with the traditions, when her grandfather asked him whether he accepted me as her husband, he publicly, and quite whole heartedly, have me his word of acceptance."

"The paradoxical nature of his behavior was confusing me till today. But like our Venu and his system, he has spent more than two decades bringing up his daughter. To say that she is the eye of his life would be an understatement."

"And here I was. Someone who wanted to take her away from him. But she loves me for the right reasons, and he knows that. So he finds himself in position where he doesn't know what to do."

"And what ails me most is what I'll do to prove to him that I'm worthy of his daughter."

I'm not an eloquent speaker or a deep thinker. But a thought occurred to me suddenly and shared it with him. They say God helps those who wants to be helped. And he chose to help Ravi by putting these words into my mouth.

"You can win over her father the same way Venu's boss can win over Venu - by proving that you can take care of the child with as much care as the parent."

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Identity Crisis

Suppose you are standing in the cafeteria in your office. Now, suppose someone spilled some coffee on you. How you react to this will depend on a multitude of factors:
  • How much coffee was spilled;
  • whether the person meant to spill it on you deliberately or was it a genuine mistake;
  • who is this said person – male or female; friend, acquaintance or stranger; boss, co worker or junior;
  • what your prior mood was – excited, dull or angry;
  • how that person responds to this situation – is he apologizing, or playing it cool, or just walking away; etc

What happened till now was not in your hands. Well, sort of. If you had stood 1 foot to your right, or if you had come 5 seconds later, or if you were on a fast that day, then this wouldn’t have happened. But those factors are way out of your league to control.

But what happens next is in your hands. You can accept an apology; you can say “It’s all right” and go on with your life; you can show a constipated feeling on your face and snort at the apologies he’s making; you can go all “Gaali Baaz” and start abusing your antagonist’s family; you can lift the coffee machine with you right hand and the guy on the left, and start banging them together till he is drenched in coffee (remember that you are still imagining this scenario and hence anything is possible :P ).

Now let’s do a recap on our glorious history as a country. We have had kings like Buddha, who gave up everything he had – all the riches, all the glories and material festivities – to start living the life of a monk, a saint – living on alms, sleeping on rags and practicing penance. We have also had kings like Ashoka, who utilized everything available to him to expand his empire, till he could see blood no more.

Let’s move on to a more recent example. We have had people fighting the colonists for our freedom (which we now gladly misuse). The father of our nation was an exemplary pacifist, requesting us to show our other cheek if someone slaps us on one. Then there is Shaheed Bhagat Singh, an influential revolutionary, who was, to put it mildly, not entirely opposed to the idea of using force to get things done.

If we look at the effect the two people in the two eras have had on our history – Buddha and Ashoka ultimately led the society to unite and leave in peace (in their own ways), Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Singh were heavily instrumental in their own manner to help us gain our independence.

So, if we assume history repeats itself, let me ask you, based on the examples above, where the end result is the same irrespective of the path chosen, how would you like to live your life??

At one end of a spectrum, or at the other end?

Or would you like to be somewhere in between?

I know where I would be.....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Season - Episode 1

The following was posted in my "Pasture of Lunacy" blog on Aug 11th, 2010. More than 2 years later, I have had someone asking me, what happens after this episode. And so, I've started on episode 2. Just thought I would re-post the original here, with a few changes here and there (given in italics) for you people to read through. Expect the next post in a week.


The way my final year at college shaped up would be of the range of the final Harry Potter book. But what made it even better than that was the way I got my job. The whole drama, stretching over a year can be compared to a comedy TV series or a year at some league for a club or a feel-good movie.

The initial setbacks, the incessant heart breaks, the half time reprieve, the loss of everything you wanted, the never say lost attitude, which was later found out to be plain ego (this being the part where the obvious truth hits you in the face just before you do the right thing), the last fight, the unbelievable luck, the happy ending. It had it all.

Maybe that’s why I decided to call it ‘The Season’. How over the course of twelve months I found out a lot of things the hard way, only to realize that I had learnt these lessons long back. Normally, you would put the moral at the end of the story, but I’m going to give it right now.

Never have an ego bigger than your shadow at noon.

How this is applicable in my life, as I’m sure it’ll be in yours, will be described below. I’m going to describe my final year in the way a manager would file his monthly reports for his football team. Hope you have fun reading it.

The pre-season was pretty much a local affair. Before I go into the details, let me give you an idea of how things were. Since joining CET, my parents wanted me to keep up a ‘decent’ 8 pointer by the time I passed out. It’s not that I didn’t try. I did what I thought would be enough in the first year. Sadly, the University wanted more. And my seniors were at hand to give me this ‘valuable’ advice,
      •     It’s practically impossible to get an 8 pointer average after getting 7.5 for the first year.
      •     If you can maintain a 7.5 average, you’ll get a decent enough job.

I decided that instead of trying to do something ‘impossible’, I should better find ways to use my time at college so that I’ll have all the fun I could have there. (By the way, this is for the lazy ones among you. There are people who got an 8 pointer average after getting in the 7’s in first year, and there are people who scored a big job, even with a just above 7 average).

Luckily the ‘extra-curricular’ activities that I decided to take part in didn’t ruin me. It actually helped me in having a commendable resume by the time companies came. But it was also the basic reason for the swelling of my ego bubble.

First of all, there was the choice of career that was made by two kinds of people – the pure hearts and the self-conscious fools. The difference was in the ken of the two kinds. The pure hearts knew where they were going and what they were going to do, and most of them ended up reaching there; while the self-conscious fools thought they knew where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do, but ended up choosing and doing what they got. 

Broadly speaking there were four types of jobs on offer,
1. Core Engineering Jobs. (CGPA > 8)
2. Management Jobs. (CGPA > 7.5)
3. Embedded Systems Jobs (CGPA > 7.5)
4. Software Jobs (CGPA > 6.5)

And my order of choice was Embedded, Software, Management and Core.

Embedded first, cos I had done my fair share of robotics. We went with what looked like a scrap heap of a robot, unashamedly exhibited it at different fests, rode our luck, won a few, lost many, but still loved every bit of it.

Software second cos I've always had a knack for computers and programming. My dad brought our first computer when I was in 4th, and taught me the wonders of programming in the teen years. I've to thank him for the skills I've learned in using computers, and in programming.

Management third, cos I was remotely interested in doing an MBA at that time, and cos CORE had to come fourth.

Core takes up the last position cos I was itching to say goodbye to the subjects I was busily studying for the last three years.

Anyways, let me talk more about the job scenario. Recession was at its best during June 2009. You couldn’t ask for a worse time to look for a job. And here we were, about 500 students sitting inside the college (see, I didn’t use the word ‘class’, but the word ‘college’ ;) ), hoping someone would come, call us up and give us a job with a fat paycheck, like we used to dream about when we joined the college.

So, with a difficult environment, a bleak chance at any dream job, but with a puffed opinion of myself, I did my pre-season preparations. I went around asking seniors for ‘advice’ (I never learnt to stop doing that. :D ) And that’s when I found my first love. A 5 lakh a year worth payday, located at Bangalore, great working atmosphere, wonderful work in the field of my second choice. Words used to flow in torrents when DSK (deepak sasikumar) described his company. He hadn’t even joined then and he was having a jolly time thinking of going there. It got all those juniors who listened to him, to make THOUGHTWORKS their dream company. But before I go into the tryst I had with TW (that’s what we called it), we’ve to go through the month of July. And man was it a month to remember.

Sometime in the middle of July, when we were just back after another university, we started hearing rumors of it. IOC was coming to campus, 7.8L CTC, government job to top off everything great and nice about it. And, dispelling the rumors it did come. That’s when the season started for us, CET 2010. Ten people each from Electrical, Mechanical and Civil were called up based on CGPA to attend a direct interview. On the date of the interview, we had actually planned an Industrial Visit (a real one to NTPC). But since many of my friends were in the top 10, I decided to go with them later. I was planning to go to college and support them for their first interview, but I ended up playing cricket the whole day. But in the evening, I heard the happy news.

Four people from Electrical became the lucky ones to get a job first. And it included my project mate. I was happy as I could be. But that was not for long.

When I told at home about them getting the job, my parents were giving me another perspective. What if I had actually studied and got an 8 point average. I could have at least attended the interview, and maybe come home saying “I got a job.”

They didn’t actually hate me. But they hated the way I wasted my chances in life. And seeing them sad made me wish I had done things differently. Sadly, there’s always a time for everything. And now wasn’t the best time.

And with August showing no companies coming our way, we were left to our own thoughts and devices. I was preparing, for my dream company, TW which came soon enough.


Thoughtworks came and went. So did L&T, IBM, Bosch, CTS, Deloitte, TCS, Mahindra, et al. I ended up in GS Engineering and Construction. It is where I'm still now, and I'm loving it