Friday, November 14, 2014

Nothing's here (5 things - Week 85) [Well sort of]

Considering the fact that the last time I had to do a conversation like this was when I found out that I might have won one of dengue-typhoid-jaundice lottery, you can guess my state right now. As I was physically wrecked that day, I can say with some surety that that isn't the case today. Today, if you meet me right now, you'll find me ghosting through things. It's my mental state that's been compromised.

No. I haven't gone full on mental. I'm only insane within the limits of insanity. But the proceedings at office have ensured that I don't have any mojo left to even squeeze out a conversation - something I have been guilty of in the past few weeks. I guess this is a tipping point. Whether I fall over or fall back, we'll know only in the coming weeks. As of today, I haven't made a conscious decision to shift the posting day to Saturday or Sunday, but I guess I won't be left with a choice given my situations.

So, you'll, hopefully, find the full blog here by this time tomorrow. I will leave you with a teaser. The topic is Social Experiments, and the 5 things are - recounting leaving my zip open for a whole day, dimming the lights on the road, keeping the water running from the tap, giving way to others on the road, and one surprise item. The surpriase is not a surprise because I haven't thought about it. I have. Sachii.


So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Salt'n'Pepper (5 things - Week 84)

I didn’t want to admit to this, but yes, it’s true. I’ve been ignoring you. And contrary to my initial prognosis, it’s not the fact that I was recently employed again. After all, the crux of the material here were allegedly written when I was supposed to be at the office I was previously employed at. But then again, I can’t take all the blame away from that fact.

The process of getting re-acclimatized with the rigours of meeting targets and sitting at one place for more hours than recommended is all, but over for me. But that process did show its effects – the number of late conversation here over the past two months has been alarming. Which all lets us on to believe that those days are behind us. I hope so.

Part of the reason those days were upon us was that I took some time off before starting on the blog. I didn’t start as soon as I got home from work. The week before I decided to catch up on the latest CASTLE episode before writing. The week before that I decided to watch the ISL match before writing. And the week before that week was the week I did something I don’t remember now before writing.

So what is the reason for this week? Well, I was busy stuffing my mouth with the culinary offerings of one of the best restaurants in my town. You can’t blame me. After a tiring week, I wanted to enjoy some delicacies and that’s exactly what I did. And in case you want to do the same, here’s my list of the top 5 places to dine at in Thiruvananthapuram as the '5 things' for this week.


5. Thattukada, Bakery Junction

Dosa, chutney and vadas are the staple food of most households, and so, you would expect your taste buds to be blunt to their attacks at a local restaurant. But there's this something about the food from a Thattukada, which makes it absolutely delicious. And the one at Bakery Junction serves the best I've tried.

4. That fishy place near RBI

This is for the owners of that restaurant - I'm very sorry, but I fail to recollect the name of your institution. Even though I’ve visited your place only once, showing me that appam and fish curry is  a good combination was eye opening to say the least. And I would be back soon.

3. Annapoorna, East Fort

There are few places you can go to, if you yearn for a purely veg meal. If so, Annapoorna at East Fort is definitely worth a go. When a non vegetarian goes vegan, it's hard for him to satisfy his hunger. But I've never left this restaurant unsatisfied.

2. Zamzam, Palayam

The place I’m going back home from now. This is by far the best place to dine in at in Thiruvananthapuram. Chicken delicacies are their specialties and boy are they special. I had lost count of the days when we, those of this city, would lament Zamzam not opening a branch at Gurgaon.

1. My house

I won’t claim that my Mom is the best cook in the world. Titles like that are determined by constraints that more arbitrary than I would like them to be. But if you are in town, and you want to try out homely food, do drop in. Oh and make sure that you let me know that you are coming at least a day before. Otherwise, you won’t be getting the specials.


It's getting late. Tomorrow is another step into the future. I can't wait to arrange my thoughts and get back to you. I guess she's wondering why I haven't written anything, but a few sentences here and there, about her. I write freely about the trivial things happening in my life. This is nothing short of monumental. And I want my first post that's entirely dedicated to her to be worthy of it. And it might not come until the first week of December.


So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Agenda (5 things - Week 83)

Do you want to know something?? Of course, you would. Why else would you digress from your daily routine; stray from your usual pattern; walk down the not-so-less trodden path into this conversation??

Apparently, it has been made known to me that we don't have a clearcut agenda for this weekly conversation. And, as the person who commented claimed, having an agenda is like kissing in public. Some people will accept it, some others will always be against it, but you can be sure as hell that they'll all check in every now and then to see if there are any hot smooches going on.


before proceeding any further, I hereby proclaim that "-ists" is an official word for this conversation. The meaning of "-ists" is to indicate an object, or group of people or a single person, anything, which follows the principles of the word given before it. Refer two paragraphs below for examples.

*end of note

And in this age, we have a lot of agenda-ists portals. Facebook is a prime example. But even though the agenda is same for everyone, the number of agendas on there is as numerous as the number of users on it, maybe more. Every other social networking site is the same.

Then there are the atheists, the theists, the pro-Modis, the anti-Modis, the caste-ists, the fetish-ists, the how-to-do-this-and-that-ists, the we-sell-everything-here-including-our-souls-ists, we-buy-everything-here-including-your-soul-ists, the we-have-so-many-pictures-of-dumb-people-doing-dumb-things-ists, etc etc.

If we had to have a dashed-instead-of-spaced phrase for our own use, it would be we-don't-know-how-you-got-here-but-we-dont-care-,-we-just-want-you-to-have-a-good-time-even-if-it-means-scaring-you-away-with-our-craziness-ists.

So, is it better to have an agenda, or not? It's a little bit of a sore spot to scrape. You can never live your life without an agenda, but your life should never be an agenda.

As we are talking about life, shall I interest you in this little comic on "Life and donuts"?? It's nothing less than mind-blowing. As it is too long, I've put it at the very end of the conversation, so that it loads by the time you reach the end.

Coming back to agendas, I'll never claim that we don't have an agenda here. I write to feel a sense of accomplishment, to get a feeling of having done something for someone. Most of the stuff here are either personal, or highly coloured in the way I see life. It's not a wide angle shot of the valley imbibing all it's beauty, but more like looking at the valley through a crack in the dark room you are in.

And why do I do it?? I need to have an outlet to release all these pent up emotions inside me. Before I started writing regularly, I was regularly playing football. Running hither thither till every last one of us was dead tired was the way for me to unwind after a week of work. But on 26th October, 2012, I made a swift turn on a stationary ball, snapping all three ligaments on my right ankle, leaving the doctor no other option than to advice me to stay away from anything requiring quick physical responses.


Regular readers would notice that this is the umpteenth time I've mentioned this accident. I really wanted to stop being stale like this. It's the reason why I broke my promise and refrained from having an extra conversation last week on its second anniversary. Sachii.

*end of note

Well, for the "5 things" for this week, we'll go through five sporting personalities I could have been, if not for the cruel twist of fate. We shall ignore the fact that I started taking part in any kind of sports, even of the school ground-ish variety, only in my early 20s. Shall we begin then??



Aaah. How great it would have been to earn a living as a professional footballer?? If I've another life as a human on this planet, it would be to be a professional footballer. And for this life, one of my secret aim is to jump to a career in football commentary. I practice it whenever I play FIFA these days. And no, it didn't start because my brother and myself got bored of the Russian commentary on the cracked version of FIFA we don't have.


The thought process in most people's head when they meet me, and we are talking about sports, "You are tall. The basket on a basketball court is vertically challenging. You get points for putting the ball in that basket - the correct basket.", which ends up with them saying, "Heyy.. You must play basketball a lot."

And no, I don't.


This idea actually came from an uncle of mine, who opined that the long fingers on either hands of mine, along with the high point of release of the ball, would have made me an amazing swing bowler. The only reason I used to play cricket was that I didn't have to move a lot most of the time. The reason why I left playing cricket was that they never gave me a chance to bat most of the time.


The only claim I've for being a badminton player is three months of playing badminton in the mid 2012s.


This idea actually came from me as I have run out of other ideas. Do the math for this yourself. I'll give you a hint. Long legs + long distance = lesser number of steps overall.


I don't have much of an epilogue to add to this. I just saw in Facebook that one of my better friends when I was in Gurgaon's birthday was today, and I haven't wished him till now. Less than two hours left for the day to be over. I better grab the phone. And I guess, Facebook isn't all that bad. Everything has a silver lining.

I was introduced to interesting souls because they read what I wrote. We connected on a higher level sooner because she loves to read what I write. And the reason I write today is because I tried that swift turn on a football on that cold night. Like I said, everything has a silver lining. It just takes some time to come good.


So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.


Friday, October 24, 2014

LAZY AS ... (5 things - Week 82)

If you remember, I started writing our conversation from last week at 9 pm, finishing it in an hour or so. And it got positive response. And it was put forward to me that the conversations are better when I have little time to play them out in my mind. They are more interesting when it's impromptu. So, I decided to start on this one at 10 pm.

Just kidding, this is me being lazy - as is my right, right?? Let's get down to business then. What is the first thing in the agenda? Yea, right.

Visit this parallel conversation to know the first thing on the agenda. Here, in this conversation, we'll be talking mainly about the second thing on the agenda - about how lazy yours truly really is.


1. Mahabharata: Why is Lord Krishna called the master of finesse in the Mahabharat?

Read this wonderful answer on why Lord Krishna might have been the most brilliant person in the Indian epic. Absolutely brilliant interpretation of the story.

2. Why is Blue LED a Nobel Prize deserving deal?

Yes, three physicists got the Nobel Prize this year for making Blue LED. Wonder why? Follow that link.

3. Is it possible that an alien civilization has completely different mathematics than ours?

Just because a question might seem crazy and complex doesn't mean the answer can't be simple and arousing "duh" from our mental vocal cords.

4. What is the craziest story you have heard from SRM University, Chennai (Main Campus)?

In a nutshell, it's "Forced into engineering, but moving on and finding success in another field". But this old wine has some really good "feelgood" punch to it in this new bottle.

5. What are some things that programmers and computer scientists know, but most people don't?

So, who hasn't "Right click-click REFRESH" to make their system clear its memory? Well, here's the truth about it.


Now, you know how lazy I can be. So lazy that I skipped the preface, So lazy that I'll most probably be skipping the epilogue. So lazy that I gave links to questions that people with relevant expertise have answered in the interesting site that is [Do join the site. It's my new Stumble Upon.]

Continuing the rant after that short break to thank the sponsors.

So lazy that I didn't want to hit backspace and correct the title into the correct case - I had left the CAPS lock ON. So lazy that I don't want find a simile to complete the title. But still I write. No matter how little, no matter how irrelevant, no matter how crazy, I write.

She read as he wrote.
To give her something to read, he wrote.
To give him something to write, she read.
It was nothing, but the perfect love story.


I know this was crap. This is the sort of literary works that you hide under your coffin. But I had made a pact with you to keep talking to you every week at this time. And between friends, there will always be conversations that you wish you could just forget. This was one of those. I'll make up for this with a good one tomorrow. Promise.


So, that's all for now then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Expectation vs REALITY (5 things - Week 81)

In the multiple interviews that I've attended over the past year, I've made sure to point out to the panel that I'm an avid blogger. Not just an avid blogger, but also a compulsive one at that. The fact that I always write and publish on Friday nights and that too with a track record of 81 weeks now is something I make sure that they find out by the end of the interview. At this point, I get the question that I had been expecting all along.

"How do you do find time for this, while discharging your other duties?"

If I had become the evil mastermind I tried to be, I would have done my patented evil laugh. Why you ask? Well, the deer walked right into the lion's den. The worm slithered into the mouth of the bird. The wind blew into the sails. The sun shone right on the installed solar panels. The....... uh.. Okay. I'm falling short of more analogies. You get the idea, right?

Well, for that question, I've my stock reply. I'm not releasing it to the public, as it is an active instrument of mass impression in my arsenal. I'll reduce it to just an idea though - efficient time management.

Well, that is the expectation at least. If you ask me whether the reality is that I started writing this at 9pm on a Friday evening, I will never admit to it. Because reality is never as enticing as the expectation.

And for the "5 things" for this week, we'll look at five such "Expectation vs Reality " scenarios. Shall we begin then?


1. My Interview MO

As was mentioned before.

2. Food poisoning

When we hear someone has been poisoned, we think of them having seizures, falling down senseless with foam frothing at their mouth. So, it is something similar that we expect when we hear for the first time the phrase 'food poisoning'. It's not until we understand what they actually mean do we imagine them running to and fro from the bathroom.

3. Point No.3

Your expectation is for me to give you a third point. But the reality is that I won't.

4. An SMS conversation that happened four years ago.

*Kadu is the acacia forest in our campus which was the usual hangout spot for everyone in college.

"I took out my mobile and typed, "aliya.. whr u?? i'm in kadu.."
Sent it to everyone in my gang.. And dis is d chat tht happened aftrwards..

Jaison - I'm in class patti.. Why the heck did u cut class?
Me - Oh.. oru mood illa.. I cant sit in his class without fallin asleep..
Ponni - da.. i'm comin.. wait.. i'm near post office..
Jaison - Ivide padippichu thallukaya.. wht u gonna do thr??
Me - Ponni's comin.. Gonna play cricket..
Jaison - Ponni's in lab manda..
Me - He got out early.. othrs comin too.. :P
Jaison - dey.. think he's endin class now.. come n get attendance..
Me - I'm thr in one minute..

All this wud hav made more sense if it had happened atleast two months before, not today afternoon..
Atleast if,
Jaison waasnt in pala,
Ponni wasnt in Bengalaru,
and I wasnt sittin in the cafeteria in my office.."

5. Parent's height

It was something that I noticed this week. We had grown up from an young age looking up at our parents. And it wasn't until I was mentally comparing my height with my parents earlier this week that I realized that even though I could physically measure and prove that I'm taller than them now, in my mind they will always be taller than me.


Not much else to say really. A tinge of fever and more than enough servings of backpain, I was given the opportunity of availing my first leave at the new job. This is the first fever I'm having in over a year. To paraphrase what someone said in some movie, it seems like my body was waiting for me to get a job so that I would take a leave to take care of it.


So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.