Friday, February 7, 2014

D.I.Y. (5 things - Week 45)

D.I.Y. It means 'Do It Yourself'. Well, at least it should mean that too.

And why DIY you may ask. Well, my headphone's right speaker gave out the other day and I had to make a choice. My first option would be to give it a few hits, shake it a bit, check if it starts working. If not, I'll scrap it and go for a new headphone like I've always done in my life. But due to the present financial situation of limited resources and no emolument, I was forced onto the other option - of trying to fix it myself. Hence, DIY.

It was a nice experience to say the least. And now, I'll go and tell you about a few such experiences that I've had till now.


1. Remote Controlled Car

Throughout my early school years, I used to envy my friends who had uncles in the Gulf. These uncles had a habit of bringing goodies for these nephews. Goodies like pens, sunglasses and watches, but more importantly toys. I used to bemoan my luck of being born in a Uncle-living-in-the-Gulf-less family. But that all changed when a friend of my father, who worked in Gulf, came to our house one day. He had with him a remote controlled car, which was presented to my bother, sorry, brother.

Since we had explicitly agreed terms on not using each other's toys recently, I was deprived of the use of the said car. Anyways, I was free to use it when he slept, and it was during one such instance that the front wheel got stuck. I performed some DIY there. If you want the result in one sentence, it would be that my brother still holds me responsible for destroying his first remote controlled toy.

2. CD Player

I've this habit of hearing music while doing work, any work. I've music blaring into my ears right now. That issue can, and will, be the topic of a post one day. Anyways, this DIY happened when I was in 11th I think. One of my new possession was a China made CD player. And like you would have guessed, it suddenly started developing hiccups one day.

This was how I came up with the First option that I mentioned before. I hit it with my exam board, more than a few times. And with that it was dead completely.

Well, that what my parents think. It still worked with hiccups after those hits. Then for some reason, I decided that throwing the cricket ball on it would make it work. That, truly was the end of it.

3. Project X

No. Project X is not the top secret mission I worked on for the ... Oh.. Never mind. Project X was a competition item I participated in 2010. The aim of the competition was to design a vehicle to travel around a circuit. They gave us four wheels, some thermocol and two big magnets to get the work done. Excellent work from my teammates ensured that we had a decent specimen to present for the challenge.

The problem arose when they started putting humps on the track and our bot started hitting them and stopping. While my friends went over to take up the issue with the organizers, I decided to some DIY. To this day I remember my friend screaming 'NOOOOOOOOO!!!' as I tore off a chunk of the thermocol on the front of the vehicle to give it a more aerodynamic shape. Needless to say, our vehicle refused to move on the track after that, and I had a hard time convincing my friends to forgive me.

4. Unicorn Bike

No, I didn't do a DIY on a whole Unicorn bike. Actually, this story is not even about a goof up of mine. This was carried out by my juniors. They owned among themselves two Honda Unicorn bikes. And one of these bikes was not used [Again, a whole another story by itself]. And on one fine Sunday evening, the working Unicorn was found to have been stuck with a case of a flat back tire.

Being a bunch of adventurous people, these five men, led by a Mechanical Engineer none the less, went ahead to perform a DIY. They removed the back wheel from the bike that wasn't used, and put it in place on the working one. They did a very commendable job, with just one little problem. The wheel wouldn't budge on its axis.

5. Rain check

If you would remember the very first post from 5 things series, for the fifth point I said, "for the present future, I don’t have a fifth point to tell you?". It's the same case now. Sorry.


Let me say this out loud, as I think that's the only way I would go ahead and write these two posts that I've been undecided on for quite some time. On 10th February, you'll get the part 27 of this series, which was supposed to have come out during the first week of October. And on February 14th, you'll be getting back-to-back posts. One post will be the usual 5 things post. The other post will be on 'The SEVEN stages of LOVE'. No points for guessing why I'm releasing it on that day.


Let me present to you two mutually exclusive items before I take your leave.

My friend 'Dude. Remember. Beggars can't be choosers.'
Yours truly 'Well, in that case, I'm a very choosy beggar.'


Well, that's it for this week.
You all have a great weekend.
'til next week.

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