Friday, April 5, 2013

5 things I learned this week (Part 1)

I’ve tried daily blogs. And I’ve been more successful in that than I expected. But like most of my other ventures, it became spasmodic and ultimately fell at the hands of its maker. Its’ corpse is preserved – mummified - in this online pyramid that we call the internet.

Anyways, so much for that. “Let bygones be bygones” goes one of my favorite sayings.

This is a new venture. And I would like it to be successful like my recent ventures. As the blog title suggests, I’ll be making a weekly note of 5 new things that I learnt during the week that was.

So, let’s begin this week’s countdown (or countup).

Did you know…

1. that there is a difference between Learned and Learnt?

While researching (read “googling”) the title for this very blog, I was stumped as to which of the above two words I should use. After further research, it turns out that LEARNED (having knowledge) is more of an adjective – used to describe a person.  And LEARNT (gained knowledge) is, well, the past tense of learn.

2. that the distance between the two axles of wheels on a bus is to be a maximum of 6 meters?

True story. ;)

3.  that it is possible for Gabbar Singh and Phoolan Devi to have a relationship?

Gabbar Singh (fictional character from the legendary movie “Sholay”) and Phoolan (real life character from our crappy life) are well known protagonists of their own evil, wicked stories. Both are similar in most aspects of their life, are egoistic and would take any step necessary to win their own battle. This led me to think that they can’t be a couple (without having a counselor telling them to calm down every 5 minutes). Well, apparently, they can be a couple. And I’m happy for them. 

That was a personal rant, and if you didn’t understand it, please be pleased to know that the people it was meant for, understood it.

4.  that the use of reflective tiles on the floor of adjacent bathroom stalls (with stall’s walls hovering one feet above the ground as they do in the so called "modern lavatories ) shall lead to uncomfortable scenes when you trying to go?

5. that, for the present future, I don’t have a fifth point to tell you? :P

Have a great weekend!!!

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