Friday, December 27, 2013

Better late than never (5 things - Week 39)

1. I'm 25 years old. - born on the 26th of December, 1988.

2. I'm unemployed. - left my job on the 9th of December, 2013.

3. I'm single. - as a part of my involuntary celibacy.

4. I'm broke. -  wiser men have deduced that this might have something to do with point no.2.*

5. I'm living with my parents. - mainly cos I don't want to announce pauper status right now.*

But in the middle of all this, I'm happy. The wiser men are still figuring out how that is possible.


Yesterday, I went to a friend's home. The last time I was there was some 5 years ago. So, as you can guess, I had a hard time remembering the way. All I knew was the colour of his house and the last turn I had to make before I reached there. This was a journey where you know the destination by how it'll be rather than by a name. Fortunately, I didn't end up knocking on a stranger's door.

But the strange part of the journey was reaching that junction, making that turn, trying to see if that is the correct way to the intended place. You feel your heartbeat revving up, making a significant higher amount of 'dap-dap'. It's a great feeling to have, and one I hope I'll have soon in the journey of Life.


I don't know how to say this subtly, so I'm going to put it out there bluntly - it was my birthday yesterday. A quarter of  a century has been spent by yours truly - wallowing in the sorrows, grovelling in the challenges, embracing the victories and pretty much receiving with open arms whatever the world has thrown at me.

When I passed out from college, I had a strong idea of how, what, where I would be at this point in my life. I was supposed to figure out the intricacies of life by now. I was supposed to be doing what I loved. I was supposed to have finally got rid of the 'single' status. I was supposed to be heading into the late 20's era of my life with the confidence of a man, who had it all laid bare in front of him.

But, in reality, at this point of time, none of those have come to fruition. I've had plenty of missed chances and wasted opportunities to reach there, but due to my own contorted convictions and error-ridden judgements, I've had to let them pass by.

And now, I stand here, right now, as confused I was four years ago. The only difference being I know what I want in my life. Like the journey I made to my friend's house, I now know what the place I want to end up at looks like. Even though I'm still working out how to get there, I'm confident of being able to identify it when I pass by it.

And so, here I am. On the journey of life, straining away from the way fate was leading me, forcing myself onto new territories and challenges. This is a direction I wouldn't even have followed in my darkest nightmares a year before.

I took a lot of detours, I was held up at a lot of places, but I'm on the path again - to reach the place I was supposed to have reached by now. Better late than never, I guess.

Thank you!!
Well, that's it for this week.
You all have a great weekend.
'til next week.

*exaggerated for effect.

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