Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Number 9 (Guest Post)


It gives me immense pleasure to welcome the first real guest writer onto this platform. Inspired by a divine sight he had the fortune to have within his ken, the budding poet has let his emotion and imagination flow freely. Here are the verses of 'Number 9', which is published here with the consent of its creator, Saiprasad S A, my brother.


It was long ago in summer when,
I saw her standing beneath the lights,
Like an angel from a gospel hymn,
She glowed through the dark night.

Before her beauty I stood thunderstruck,
I knew I couldn't look away,
And the blush on her face reminded me,
That it was gold that glittered that day.

She said, You're sweet my darling,
But the winter is just days away.
And soon I shall be departing,
When the winter winds come this way.

I had known it was bound to happen,
But I wished it wasn't true.
Our days were filled with passion,
But time had flown by so soon.

- Saiprasad


You can leave the comments for the author here, or contact him directly at his Facebook Id, Sai Sreekumar



Friday, May 23, 2014

The Latest Pirates (5 things - Week 60)

Indulge me for a moment, will you?

Well, not for just a moment actually. I would prefer if you would sit right through this whole post, as I try to capture in words, the double life that was lived out in the past. Events that happened more than six years ago are always had to recollect, but not so hard if they were special.

And "THE LATEST PIRATES" is always special to us. We have been described on the Facebook page as "The Latest Pirates are passionate filmmakers devoted to creating short films/videos/remixes for viewing pleasure.".

In short, when we thought we had a perfect combination of a song, a story and a character, we went ahead and made a video out of it. Amateur-ish is the best way to describe it. All we had was a drive to do something. There were no guidelines, no rules, no signboards, but most importantly no precedents. There was nothing for people to compare this work with.

The one thing which made those videos unique was also sadly its biggest drawback. There was no audible dialogues, no commentary, no background score - just a song from a movie/album, which was played almost always in its entirety. This was mainly because we didn't have the resources, or the knowledge to work with sounds. So, we felt it will be easier to just let go of it completely.

But this factor of no original audio has ensured that such a brand of videos remain unique to us. The short film boom in this part of the world came as soon as we decided to hang up our metaphorical director hats. And it has been properly utilized by many a capable soul.

These days, the number of short films being released has reached a huge number. It bodes well for the overall film industry, as more people are given a chance to showcase their talents. But, talking to people who are active in this mini industry, I get the feeling that it has gone beyond the realms of mostly having fun. The same tensions that we find in the main industry like deadlines, clients, sponsorship etc have begun affecting this field also. Luckily, that was not the case when we were doing what we did.

Just take deadlines for example. The first video to come out under the banner of The Latest Pirates took almost two years to make. That is for an effectively four minute video, we took 24 full months. That is about 10 seconds of the video was done every month. That was not actual rate though. The story behind has already been recollected under the title, "The Pirates are coming".

When it was mentioned to someone recently that we took these videos more than five years back, that too with the video being captured in its glory by a 2 megapixel camera, the editing being done with home-use editing softwares, with the actors and the technicians coming from a fixed pool of unpolished enthusiasts, I was proud to see their eyes widen in wonder. With next to nil marketing through social networking in that era, we managed to gather a humble following through our sheer determination to "make something for the viewer's pleasure."

That is my request/advice to anyone who is thinking of making anything for the public to devour. Always make sure that you don't drive the customer away. And that advice applies none the better at this moment, as I should probably stop singing praises about our group. What this post was actually intended for was to capture the flow of events from that era and the epilogue. Let's get down to it now.


1. Neela Bucket

Officially, not a video under the The Latest Pirates banner.
Officially, only the second video to be conceptualized.
But officially, this was the first video to be released, and it still remains the most watched among our videos at over 32000+ views.

"Neela bucket" was actually a parody of a rap song by some of our seniors at college about a missing blue bucket. And that song forms the background score for this video, making this the only original video from us.

Cast : Dileep, Jineesh, Nidhin
Camera : Nidhin, Dileep
Direction : Dileep

2. Pinneyum Palavattom

"You would be good replica for Salim Kumar in this video". When a friend of ours made this casual remark about the original video, he had no idea we would take it seriously. That provided the spark to get us going, and it kept us going until we hit the first bump in the process. We took our sweet time in finishing this video, which has yours truly playing the lead role as a heart broken lover. I still don't know how I was convinced to do the role.

Actors :- cAk, deepz, harisa, sid, shiv
Choreo :- cAk
Editing :- harisa, dileep
Camera, Direction :- dileep

3. In Engg Clg

Unarguably, the best thing we made, especially considering the fact that it had no story, but only a script. What makes it more special to us is that the script was made by our in house genius, Dileep in under two days.  Set to the tune of a popular 90s song, we played out on screen most of the stuff that we did at college. It was great fun filming it, and we have heard wonderful reviews saying it was a joy to watch too.

Actors :- cAk, deepz, harisa, sid, shiv, ponni
Editing :- harisa, dileep
Script, Camera, Direction :- dileep

4. Sagar Aliyan's Suppli

When Shivan lost his only paper in his entire Btech degree, I made a promise to him that we would make a video about it if he got through it. With our main director, Dileep waiting to get in front of the camera, I was provided with a chance to wield the director's sword for this short video. Set to a tune from a movie, which was chosen just cos it had awesome beats, this video reveals how a guy goes through a failed university exam and comes back stronger in the end.

Concept :- hArisa, shiv
Actors :- shiv, dileep, cAk, deepz, ponni, sid
Script, Camera, Editing, Direction :- hArisa

5. His days

They say you should go out with a bang. Even though we knew as much that this was our last video, we decided to do things differently and went our without even a whimper. And it baffles me as to what that happened. This was our more technically brilliant, well thought out work. And it was about football. We made it to release in tandem with the FIFA World Cup 2010. Still under 1k views though.

Actors :- cAk, deepz, harisa, sid, shiv, ponni, dileep
Editing :- dileep
Story :- cAk
Script, Camera, Direction :- dileep



After an year from "His Days" we thought of doing a reunion special. A video with original audio and a solid script. But we fell at the first hurdle. The seven of us were spread across the length and breadth of the country, we still are (with one in Malaysia). We have realized that what we did was supposed to be done in that specific time period - in college, with close friends, as a pass time. It's all out of reach now. But the fact that we did it then will make us feel proud till the end of time.


(From L-R) Chaithin aka cAk, Deepak aka deepz, Shivan aka shiv, Harisankar aka hArisa, Siddharth aka sidd, Dileep aka dileep, Arun aka Ponni

Well, that's all for this week.
Hope you have a great weekend. Meet you in the comment sections, if you are interested.
'til next week.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Opinions (5 things - Week 59)

I guess the whole process of buying a computer (or any other luxurious electronic device for that matter) represents all that is wrong with us humans.

We don't like configuration of one, the price of another, the service provided by a third. And when finally something compels you to fixate on one finally, you start having all these thoughts about whether this is going to be the right one for you. Then you go ahead and buy something, making many a sacrifice in demands. And then you start having regrets about your decision. That's when the company you brought from, decides to bring out a laptop, with your desired configuration at a reasonable price. But inspite of all this, it is only after a few years into its usage, that you would finally realize whether you made the right choice.

I believe that applies to the current situation we are in, in terms of the political scenario in India. A single party has won the minimum required majority in the Lok Sabha. It was something I always wanted to happen, as one of the main excuses laid out to explain the stuttering development in this nation has been the influence of regional parties.

Now, a single party can take the decision and lead us on. "To where?" is a very valid question. And "By whom?" is another.

My friends, who have done their MBA, usually talk about the need for all of us to market ourselves. And that is what I personally feel has happened in India right now. What Obama did in the first US Presidential elections has been made as a blueprint for the success of Mr.Narendra Modi in this round of general elections in India.

The reach of social media has been effectively used to alter the image of a man, who many held (still holds) in contempt about the 2002 riots. The crowd's opinion has been turned right around, so much so that to have doubts about him is considered to be criminal. All such doubts will result in the supporters giving out a long list of court and national level investigations finding him to be innocent.

Anyways, a debate on him is not the purpose of this blog. It is just to let the general public know that everyone is entitled to an opinion, some of which aren't mainstream. The past few months have seen torrential attacks on such non-mainstream opinions. And it is those non-mainstream opinions of yours truly that are going to get listed as the "5 things" for this week.


1. There is a need for a single party to assume power at the central, and for them to have capable opposition players. The logic behind this is that this would lead to better governance and development.

The first part of this logic has come true, but I'm not yet convinced about the latter. The rest of the seats have been split up into little, tiny pieces, and the squabbling among them might result in the loss of the whole purpose of an opposition.

2. A capable man should lead from the front.

Now, this is where the main problem begins. There are always detractors to anything good that you do, people who claim that it was all luck, a fraud, or something in kind. In the midst of all this, I'm yet to be convinced of him. I would like to stop you before you start reeling out the numbers about development in Gujarat. I'll believe the numbers once it starts working on a national basis.

3. No, all this alleged 'bias' is not because I'm supporting another party.

I've my reservations about each and every party. Like I've mentioned before, AAP was the only party I thought I could support in its morals, but the second they took the support of one main stream parties, they became just that for me. And from the results from Delhi, I guess that is the view the people of Delhi took too.

Again, I come from a state which lets the reins of governance switch between the two political fronts of Communism and Congress. When we get fed up with one, we give the other a chance. Sadly, this is a continuous cycle. So, it's not like I have a history of supporting a single party.

4. Issues.

There are a lot of issues that I would like the Government to tackle successfully. Concentrated economic development, lack of employment opportunities, Biased reservation quotas, Corruption, etc are, but a few of those. I hope that at least some of them gets a look at by this Government.

5. It is the most eligible individual you should vote for, and that should not be based on party, caste or anything not related to his performance in the public domain.

A battle was won though the war was lost. Just what happened with the election results in my city.


So, what is the final verdict? This is not a scenario that I'm comfortable with. But it is something all of us are stuck with for now. So, let's hope for the best. And I would just love to be proved wrong in my doubts and apprehensions about this government.


On a lighter note, most of the Keralites would be waiting with bated breath, hoping that they wouldn't have to ask the following question.

It reads "What?!? There won't be any more beef fry from now on?"


Well, that's all for this week.
Hope you have a great weekend. Meet you in the comment sections, if you are interested.
'til next week.



I"m NOT, in any sense alleging, that he is not what he claims to be. I'm NOT claiming that he is responsible for the riots. I'm just saying that he has his own share of troubled past, and people should keep their hopes in check. If the scams and the corruptions are the allegations against the erstwhile leaders, his past is the albatross that he is wearing. And hopefully, for the good of the nation, it'll be something he'll be able to get rid of in the coming years.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014







He was known in his gang for being notoriously straight forward in his questions and actions. But the level of embarrassment he would have to face when he asked a simple question was beyond the ken of most of us.

He tried to spark a conversation with a comment, when he saw her coming his way. And he started with a pretty innocent question, "Engotta?" [where are you going].

She must still be ruing the fact that she humored his antics with an answer that day. She replied, "To the restroom."

Last week, we talked about questions that we should never ask. But we've had enough situations where we only realize the awkwardness of the question, only after we've asked it. And this was one such moment for him.

It was only after asking "Why are you taking your bag into there?", did he realize what the answer was going to be. Unfortunately, everyone near were tuned into the conversation, and there was no way that they could pretend like it never happened.

But of course, she pretended like no awkward question was asked and just moved along. And he?? Well, he turned around smiling, like he figured out the timetable for when the full moon was going to rise in the coming months.




He was waiting for her to come online. She was never this late to come online on any given working day. So, when she finally came online that day, two hours later than the usual timing, he couldn't stop himself from pinging her and asking about it.

HIM : "Why are you late today?"


HIM : "Oh. With whom did you go for a date this early in the morning?"

HER : "No. not that date. The other date."

HIM : "................."


The idea for this blog came from the following article that I read.

I recommend you all to read it. For the lazy ones among you, the gist of it is captured in the following words of the author,

"How about a world where every woman can freely tell their men counterparts about their totally natural and biological processes? How about a biology class where the topic of menstruation is not rushed through with giggles across the class? How about a brother going to the pharmacist and asking for a tampon, confidently? How about the pharmacist giving it without wrapping it up? How about my “modern day classmates” telling me the actual reason for missing that trip?’ "

Even though the instances I described were humourous, it would be wrong to just leave it at that. The near taboo level secrecy and shunning of women in their periods need to stop.

Well, that's all for now.
'til later.

Friday, May 9, 2014

You should have never asked that... (5 things - Week 58)

There are some questions, for which you would never like the answer of. There are some questions that you should never ask. There are some questions that are left unanswered in your mind. For this week, we shall go on and look at some questions like this, shall we?? But before that, the reason why this topic was chosen, and to know why we have to go back to the past Sunday.

Past week's blog had requested you to spend more time with your grandparents, and accordingly I made my way to my grandma's to make sure that I do my bit too. So I made the 10m foray next door, sat down with her, and was in a pleasant conversation with her about her past - her childhood, her early school days, what children used to do in those days and all.

At the end of that part of the conversation, I, being obsessive about the minimal details, was curious to know exactly which years these "those childhood days" were. And again, I, being the complete moron that I'm, instead of asking her "Which year was that?" asked her "When were you born?"

Well, if I had a wish to see my grandma angry, I had got my wish. Unfortunately, I didn't have such a wish. So I had to sit through a complete tiding down from her, the kind I hadn't got in the past decade. But in between all this she mentioned something which got me thinking, and that was how this post was born.

She said, "... there are some things you should never ask  a woman - her age and her weight. And there are something things you should never speak about, even if you are asked - how much you earn and what your future plans are."

And that's how we have reached here, on the 399th day of this conversation. So, let's get on with the "5 things", shall we?


1. "Isn't that baby ugly??"

Never ever EVER ask this out loud. No matter how ugly the baby is, no matter how close you are to the person you are asking it to - this is a question that will never yield a answer other than "How could you even think like that about a little baby?". For that one reason, this question should be archived in the deepest corner of your mind (along with other unasked, unanswered questions like "What is the eyebrow good for?" and "Is there another word for synonym?".

2. "When's yours??"

This is a question most of my friends have started getting at the various weddings they attend these days. "When's yours?" will remain a perennial question of your marital status, until you find someone as fed up of the question as yourself. And it is a question you should never ask; if you can avoid it. After all, why should you pressurize them into marriage?? Like a friend of mine said, "Don't drive them into marriage like cattle into a pen. Let them choose when and why and whom by themselves."

3. "When's yours??"

No, this is not a mistake. If in the previous scenario, the question was asked by the older generation to the young ones at a wedding; in this scenario, this is the question that the young generation tries hard NOT to ask the older generation at funerals. As long as the older generation refrains asking the question in the first scenario, they are safe from facing this scenario. There's an incentive that'll entice the old ones.

4. "What's that written on your t-shirt?"

It might be just the curiosity in you that is making you ask such a stupid question, but that is no excuse for asking this question of a t-shirt that is worn by a gal. And it makes the situation a lot more worse, when you go on repeating the question, instead of understanding why she's ignoring the question in the first place. AND NO!! This is not from a first hand experience.

5. Do you watch porn?

Let it be known, to all of mankind, that this is a stupid question to be asked to anyone. It's pretty useless when it's asked between members of the same sex. Men know the answer to it, and I don't think women would ever ask such a question among themselves. And when this question is asked from one gender to another, well,  the men - they won't accept they have seen it; and the women won't admit that they've even heard of the word. So, it's better left unsaid.



Well, that's all for this week.
Hope you have a great weekend. I would have preferred to meet you in the comment sections, but I know you are busy.. :p ;)
'til next week.