Friday, May 9, 2014

You should have never asked that... (5 things - Week 58)

There are some questions, for which you would never like the answer of. There are some questions that you should never ask. There are some questions that are left unanswered in your mind. For this week, we shall go on and look at some questions like this, shall we?? But before that, the reason why this topic was chosen, and to know why we have to go back to the past Sunday.

Past week's blog had requested you to spend more time with your grandparents, and accordingly I made my way to my grandma's to make sure that I do my bit too. So I made the 10m foray next door, sat down with her, and was in a pleasant conversation with her about her past - her childhood, her early school days, what children used to do in those days and all.

At the end of that part of the conversation, I, being obsessive about the minimal details, was curious to know exactly which years these "those childhood days" were. And again, I, being the complete moron that I'm, instead of asking her "Which year was that?" asked her "When were you born?"

Well, if I had a wish to see my grandma angry, I had got my wish. Unfortunately, I didn't have such a wish. So I had to sit through a complete tiding down from her, the kind I hadn't got in the past decade. But in between all this she mentioned something which got me thinking, and that was how this post was born.

She said, "... there are some things you should never ask  a woman - her age and her weight. And there are something things you should never speak about, even if you are asked - how much you earn and what your future plans are."

And that's how we have reached here, on the 399th day of this conversation. So, let's get on with the "5 things", shall we?


1. "Isn't that baby ugly??"

Never ever EVER ask this out loud. No matter how ugly the baby is, no matter how close you are to the person you are asking it to - this is a question that will never yield a answer other than "How could you even think like that about a little baby?". For that one reason, this question should be archived in the deepest corner of your mind (along with other unasked, unanswered questions like "What is the eyebrow good for?" and "Is there another word for synonym?".

2. "When's yours??"

This is a question most of my friends have started getting at the various weddings they attend these days. "When's yours?" will remain a perennial question of your marital status, until you find someone as fed up of the question as yourself. And it is a question you should never ask; if you can avoid it. After all, why should you pressurize them into marriage?? Like a friend of mine said, "Don't drive them into marriage like cattle into a pen. Let them choose when and why and whom by themselves."

3. "When's yours??"

No, this is not a mistake. If in the previous scenario, the question was asked by the older generation to the young ones at a wedding; in this scenario, this is the question that the young generation tries hard NOT to ask the older generation at funerals. As long as the older generation refrains asking the question in the first scenario, they are safe from facing this scenario. There's an incentive that'll entice the old ones.

4. "What's that written on your t-shirt?"

It might be just the curiosity in you that is making you ask such a stupid question, but that is no excuse for asking this question of a t-shirt that is worn by a gal. And it makes the situation a lot more worse, when you go on repeating the question, instead of understanding why she's ignoring the question in the first place. AND NO!! This is not from a first hand experience.

5. Do you watch porn?

Let it be known, to all of mankind, that this is a stupid question to be asked to anyone. It's pretty useless when it's asked between members of the same sex. Men know the answer to it, and I don't think women would ever ask such a question among themselves. And when this question is asked from one gender to another, well,  the men - they won't accept they have seen it; and the women won't admit that they've even heard of the word. So, it's better left unsaid.



Well, that's all for this week.
Hope you have a great weekend. I would have preferred to meet you in the comment sections, but I know you are busy.. :p ;)
'til next week.

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