Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Number 9 (Guest Post)


It gives me immense pleasure to welcome the first real guest writer onto this platform. Inspired by a divine sight he had the fortune to have within his ken, the budding poet has let his emotion and imagination flow freely. Here are the verses of 'Number 9', which is published here with the consent of its creator, Saiprasad S A, my brother.


It was long ago in summer when,
I saw her standing beneath the lights,
Like an angel from a gospel hymn,
She glowed through the dark night.

Before her beauty I stood thunderstruck,
I knew I couldn't look away,
And the blush on her face reminded me,
That it was gold that glittered that day.

She said, You're sweet my darling,
But the winter is just days away.
And soon I shall be departing,
When the winter winds come this way.

I had known it was bound to happen,
But I wished it wasn't true.
Our days were filled with passion,
But time had flown by so soon.

- Saiprasad


You can leave the comments for the author here, or contact him directly at his Facebook Id, Sai Sreekumar



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