Friday, May 10, 2013

5 things I learned this week (Part 6)

This won’t take long. I was far too preoccupied, with making the itinerary of shifting houses, planning how my life here will be after my best friend leaves this town in another 3 days and trying not to go all nostalgic, that I forgot about this post.

Nostalgia is a phenomenon, something if not for which, people like me would have nothing to write about. The recollection of memories seems to make words and sentences materialize within us. Sometimes, these memories make more than an impression of words. This week I’m going to write about 5 memories that have instilled in me a few habits, some of which I would be happy if you also made a habit of.

So, let's begin, shall we.

Did you know…

1. …that you shouldn’t touch the idol or the structure that houses the idol at a temple?

This piece of information comes from my uncle. He passed on this habit to me some 7-8 years ago. The reasoning behind this is that the GOD is in meditation, and if we defer into his area of meditation, he won’t be too pleased about it.

2. …that no matter what you are feeling – happy, sad, angry or dull – you should always walk proud?

As a 15 year old walking home from the bus stop after school, you are entitled to will away your time in the trivial. I was doing likewise one day back in 2004. An old man was whitewashing this fence outside the mosque near our place. I just stood 5 feet behind him, and watched him mix the stuff. Feeling my prying eyes, he turned around. I was gearing up for him to confront me, but he smiled at me, and gave me an advice which I’ve tried to follow always.

“What is you height? 6 foot? Then, why are you stooping. Stand tall always. No matter what you are doing, puff your chest out and hold your head high.”

3. …that even if you are going to sleep, you should just freshen up and groom yourself?

There’s a saying from where I come from.

“Chathu kidannallum chamanju kidakkannam”

For those of you who don’t know Malayalam, it means “Look good even if you are lying dead.” And one of my older cousins actually took this saying a little too much to his heart. He was staying over at our place some 6 years back, and we were about to go to sleep after a lot of banter. While the rest of us retired to our beds, I saw him freshen up, go in front of the mirror, and then started combing his hair. I asked him why he did that. He gave me this saying in reply and this advice  for a habit.

4. …that there’s a trick to look like you know something about the quality of vegetables & fruits, when you’re buying them?

This piece of valuable information comes from a person us gurgaon-ites call “The Tank”. How he got that name is worthy enough to be a separate blogpost by itself. But more than that incident, it was this dialogue from him that has etched itself into my memory and catalogue of habits.

“There is a very simple trick if you want to look knowledgeable while buying fruits or vegetables. Ask the shopkeeper to give you say, 1 kg of tomatoes. As soon as he puts 4-5 tomatoes in the basket, ask him to stop in an animated manner. Then take 2 tomatoes from the set he has picked out and make it look like you are searching it for defects. After that, say that these tomatoes are bad, and ask him to put them back, completely ignoring his protests. And TADA!! You’ve become a Veggie genius in the eyes of those around you. It’s that simple.”

5. ...that you should always make sure that you are not the last one to reply, when you are in a virtual conversation with a girl?

This tidy bit of advice comes from my friend, Chaithin. He was never able to give me a thoroughly convincing explanation, but he was pretty damn sure of its validity from his experiences. He always encouraged me from not pushing the “Send” button, saying that it will be a vain attempt to prolong a conversation.

But, for better or for worse, this isn’t one habit I follow. I have my own rule regarding this, and that is that I should send the last message. I’ve even termed it as a disorder – lmop – last message-o-philia. ;)


And before I end this post, a HUGE shout out to the single most influential person I’ve had in the past three years.

Mr.Alok Nido. I wish you all the best in your forthcoming endeavors as an Engineer at Mangalore Refineries. You have been to me the big brother I never wanted, and the irritating friend I could have lived without. Thank you for all your advices that have back fired on me.

But most importantly, thank you for not killing me, in spite of all the troubles I’ve caused you.

And if you think that this is my BIG FAREWELL POST to you, you’re mistaken, it’s coming soon. :P


That’s it for today.

Have a great weekend people!!!


  1. HeHe..that's really a minty weekend..and yes I do agree about these little nuances to posit as a Veggie grandma used to literally threaten me for collecting the "dhaniya and mirch ki gaddi" for free..even the heights of tasting mangoes and watermelon on the site, adding much to the embarrassment are the glorious embellishment you receive in announcing that you garnered discount to the single digit purchasing..

  2. "BIG FAREWELL POST" when is it going to happen ?

    1. have already written it sir.. please find it at
