Sunday, September 2, 2018

To right the write things at the right time is hard - 3/52


Art thou a consumer of online content??
A lost, lonely soul looking to while away time perhaps.
A purveyor of the virtual media at least

Well, you have come to the right place. Now I ask not much from you. Just please don't concentrate on the meaning of the words as you read the next few paragraphs - just try to hear them out in your mind.


It's hard two find someone who is willing to put down they're sells these days. Hour present generation is more interested in clicking the picture off the flour, instead of noticing the beautiful be collecting honey from it. Knight and day, they no know other activity than to will away their time on they're sells. Most would rather be at home in their cell than meat a friend, or weight to sea the son set at the beach.

Ass you can sea from the charade we have had above, one of the bear necessity in mastering the English language is two understand the difference in meanings between similar sounding words. Their will always be someone who feels that this is a pretty basic skill set, acquired in the nascent stage off learning the English language, but to right the write things at the right time is hard.

For example, if you are blindly taking down notes dictated buy your lecturer, without spending considerable effort too discern the same before using the pen, you might make the same mistake Eye have been purposefully making since the Italics began.


Even though this was supposed to be the bit before I stumbled upon the big topic for the day, typing out the above sentences made me realize something. There are no red squiggly lines in whatever I have written in Italics.

Which means that the average spell checker would not understand the difference between these Homophones - which means that if I'm not careful, I could be exposed for not having the strong control of this language that I usually flaunt.

We have this English Nazi friend, Ms.Viji. Don't be mislead by the "Ms" in front, she is way over sixty. I meant kilograms.

Well, she has this (nasty habit / great practice) of pointing out the mistakes made by others while wielding the English language. It's a great practice when she is applying it on someone else, and a nasty habit when the guns are trained on you.

Among the trio of us - Vg, Ammu and myself - the one who is at the end of the Nazi's wrath most often is my lovely wife. Since Ammu works in Digital Marketing, she spends a lot of time conversing in English - both in written and verbal formats. So by the time she lets herself free from the throngs of work, her mind switches off the auto-correct feature - which in turn makes her commit more mistakes than is necessary to tick off the Nazi.

So, it was with great joy that Ammu told me this past week that she could kick the metaphorical backside of her friend for committing such simple mistakes in the Insta story that the said person put up for a friends' birthday. The person who got a whupping was of the opinion that "you're" and "your" are interchangeable. All I would like to say to her is that "Your note write".

And it is from this spark that this fire was born. And I would like to thank all the embers involved, for it has helped me write the third part in this package with much joy.


So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.

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