Friday, November 21, 2014

5 things - It's OFFICIAL!!!

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Official.

No. Not that. There's still [starts counting on his fingers - realizes that there are more days than fingers on his hands - decides to use all toes on one foot and the pinky toe on the other to come up with the magic number, which is] 16 more days for that.

What I wanted to let you people know is that I've finally decided to give in to the relentless pressure of having to write every Friday night. Like I've mentioned before, I used to have enough time on my hands before. Due to a multitude of reasons - official works, daily travel pains, personal timeouts - I've had to thrown in my metaphorical towel. I'm very sorry.

If you ask me whether I can't churn out 1000 words for our benefit every Friday night like we have done before, I can't deny my ability to do so. But just spewing forth a thousand words is not enough. I had rather have time to toy with the idea I want to present - to know what I want to do with it, how and in what exact words should I let you know about my thoughts on the same, where I want to lead you on to, etc etc.

If I'm going to give you an idea half-baked, I had rather sit on that idea for some time. What I've been doing for the last few weeks is equivalent to someone with constipation does. Sit there long enough while forcing yourself as much as you can - there'll always bound to be some output. What I want to do is sit on it like a hen roosting. I want to nurture it and let it break open from its shell and come out as a live chicken.

[We would to break this broadcast to bring you this SHAMELESS PLUG to the most read post on this page. If you don't know what's the relation between Ormayundo? and chicken, there's only one way to find out - and you know it's just one click away. We'll be back with more Shameless plugs after these messages.]

So, after giving it some serious thoughts, I've decided to shift our weekly blogging routine conversations to Saturday. I'll have one extra day to think through whatever I want to write, and hopefully the output will have more quality to quantity ratio.

Tomorrow's topic - currently - is some hacking methods. Not how to hack into Pakistan University websites to avenge an attack on your favorite actor's website, but since most of us are using computers and smartphones a lot, I thought it would be helpful to share some tricks which I've picked up over the years.

So, that's all for today then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til tomorrow.

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