Some good news is creeping up on the horizon for Bankers, as the Five day Banking scheme might finally get implemented. To compensate for the additional non-working days, the daily business hours will be increased. Of course, when you are already working on non-regulated working hours with no overtime, that makes no difference. So, here's to hoping that all weekends shall be worth two whole days as soon as possible.
Why is this relevant to this blog? Well, a proper weekend every weekend means that I'll hopefully be able to get back to my routine back in 2013-14, where I took time to write, rather than trying to cram my thoughts into semi-coherent thoughts, late on a Saturday night, while watching some Premier League football.
For this week's blog, which is coming nearly 48 hours late, we are going tp go through some things I have had to learnt to do the phone.
1. Grocery shopping lists on WhatsApp
The first time I remember seeing someone use WhatsApp was in 2011. I was sending bulk SMS to my college friends across the country and he was chatting one-on-one with his friend in Australia. The speed with which WhatsApp replaced the existing platforms for sending "Good morning" messages and the "if you don't forward this to ten people, then..." messages was astonishing.
In the late 90s, I remember us calling the telephone exchange, asking for them to connect us to grandmother's home in Trivandrum, then waiting for some time before having the actual call (at a good cost too). Today, I can call my brother in US at any point of time with the tap of a button. Of course, I still have to wait, since the nocturnal creature might be asleep or playing some online game.
The latest addition to WhatsApp uses in my home is a group just for grocery purchase. If Ammu or myself find that we have run out of something, we will put it in the group. The next person who goes to the store is mandated by law to check the group before finishing any purchase.
2. Snapchat
I was initially confounded by the process flow in Snapchat - You click a photo, you send it across to your friends; they click a photo, they send it back. It's not even like forwarding a funny reel. The photo could be a mundane thing in front of you, or just a picture taken with the camera closed. I still haven't understood the logic (old age and all), but the advantage of trying out the app was in keeping my toddler entertained in 2020. She loved the "cat on your head" lens, and it was always a sureshot way to make her smile. No skill learnt is unutilized.
3. Voice notes
I hated voice notes. For someone who had built up his typing speed solely on chatting in Gmail and Facebook, I abhorred the idea of replying to someone with a voice note. Of course, once you start receiving minute long voice notes, you realise that you can't reply completely within a few short sentences. Slowly, I too was converted, and now I don't mind starting a conversation with voice note.
Before I take your leave, let me share an interesting question that was put forward to me this past week.
"If you are given one extra minute every day, what will you use it for?"
So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.