In the multiple interviews that I've attended over the past year, I've made sure to point out to the panel that I'm an avid blogger. Not just an avid blogger, but also a compulsive one at that. The fact that I always write and publish on Friday nights and that too with a track record of 81 weeks now is something I make sure that they find out by the end of the interview. At this point, I get the question that I had been expecting all along.
"How do you do find time for this, while discharging your other duties?"
If I had become the evil mastermind I tried to be, I would have done my patented evil laugh. Why you ask? Well, the deer walked right into the lion's den. The worm slithered into the mouth of the bird. The wind blew into the sails. The sun shone right on the installed solar panels. The....... uh.. Okay. I'm falling short of more analogies. You get the idea, right?
Well, for that question, I've my stock reply. I'm not releasing it to the public, as it is an active instrument of mass impression in my arsenal. I'll reduce it to just an idea though - efficient time management.
Well, that is the expectation at least. If you ask me whether the reality is that I started writing this at 9pm on a Friday evening, I will never admit to it. Because reality is never as enticing as the expectation.
And for the "5 things" for this week, we'll look at five such "Expectation vs Reality " scenarios. Shall we begin then?
1. My Interview MO
As was mentioned before.
2. Food poisoning
When we hear someone has been poisoned, we think of them having seizures, falling down senseless with foam frothing at their mouth. So, it is something similar that we expect when we hear for the first time the phrase 'food poisoning'. It's not until we understand what they actually mean do we imagine them running to and fro from the bathroom.
3. Point No.3
Your expectation is for me to give you a third point. But the reality is that I won't.
4. An SMS conversation that happened four years ago.
*Kadu is the acacia forest in our campus which was the usual hangout spot for everyone in college.
"I took out my mobile and typed, "aliya.. whr u?? i'm in kadu.."
Sent it to everyone in my gang.. And dis is d chat tht happened aftrwards..
Jaison - I'm in class patti.. Why the heck did u cut class?
Me - Oh.. oru mood illa.. I cant sit in his class without fallin asleep..
Ponni - da.. i'm comin.. wait.. i'm near post office..
Jaison - Ivide padippichu thallukaya.. wht u gonna do thr??
Me - Ponni's comin.. Gonna play cricket..
Jaison - Ponni's in lab manda..
Me - He got out early.. othrs comin too.. :P
Jaison - dey.. think he's endin class now.. come n get attendance..
Me - I'm thr in one minute..
All this wud hav made more sense if it had happened atleast two months before, not today afternoon..
Atleast if,
Jaison waasnt in pala,
Ponni wasnt in Bengalaru,
and I wasnt sittin in the cafeteria in my office.."
5. Parent's height
It was something that I noticed this week. We had grown up from an young age looking up at our parents. And it wasn't until I was mentally comparing my height with my parents earlier this week that I realized that even though I could physically measure and prove that I'm taller than them now, in my mind they will always be taller than me.
Not much else to say really. A tinge of fever and more than enough servings of backpain, I was given the opportunity of availing my first leave at the new job. This is the first fever I'm having in over a year. To paraphrase what someone said in some movie, it seems like my body was waiting for me to get a job so that I would take a leave to take care of it.
So, that's all for this week then.
Have a great weekend!!
'til next week.