This was a post on an earlier blog. And it has been brought back to be posted here, because I could find nothing to write as a part of my currently regular mid weekly posts. Enjoy!!!
In spite of the variety in shape, size, habitat, etc, there are four things common to all living beings.
1. Food
2. Air
3. Water
4. Sexual Union
Any sane man will be able to validate the above statements. But, it would also be the same as saying that us, humans, are like the billions of creatures that inhibit this planet. But no sane man will say that the humans, who have infected the land all over the world like an epidemic, are just the same as the common snail.
It is said that GOD created the world in one go – for the atheists among you, this can be considered to be the Big Bang. He was pleased and proud of what he created. But the problem was how long one can hear oneself speak good of himself. Eventually, after a few million years, he got bored. That’s when he decided that “Enough is enough. I’ll give a special gift to one of my creations. “
And so he gave MANKIND the gift of KNOWLEDGE. And it’s with that, we built this world. And for each step we took – from taking the first step on moon to passing the last university exam, we thanked him in different forms – as Krishna, as Jesus, as Allah, etc. Though all of us say “Thank You” to different persons, basically, we are saying that to the same person.
But, right now, I’m not here to talk about religion. I’m here to try to find a few answers. Recently, a friend asked me about a good topic for an amateur blogger. Among the topics we discussed, the one which really interested me was “Why would you live for another day?” Or in simpler terms, “What makes you drag yourself to office every day?”
Think of all the reasons anyone would live for. Take my case. For the dreams that I have, for the secure future I want, for the money I get at the end of it, for the satisfaction that I get on completing my work, etc etc. These reasons are different for different persons. But they are all based on one common reality. It’s all about “I”.
‘I’ is the purest form of selfishness. Me, mine, my, etc are used to emphasize it. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the whole world was built on the selfishness of our ancestors, and it runs on our selfishness. If you care to think about it, all the good and the bad in this world are the result of some selfish act.
There is selfishness when a Jawan says, “I’ll die for MY country.”
There is selfishness when a thief says, “Give ME your money.”
There was selfishness when Gandhiji asked for OUR freedom.
There will always be selfishness when a politician asks for our vote in HIS favor for OUR uplift.
There is selfishness when a thief says, “Give ME your money.”
There was selfishness when Gandhiji asked for OUR freedom.
There will always be selfishness when a politician asks for our vote in HIS favor for OUR uplift.
Returning to our simple lives, you may not have noticed selfishness, but surely, after just thinking about it, you would clearly accept the fact that SELFISHNESS is everywhere. Words fail me to explain this. It’s something that has to be experienced – there is a selfishness in buying something new for your parents, there is a selfishness in wanting your child to look at his/her best, there is selfishness in wanting to make more money/have more power.
So, to sum everything up, the answer to my question is “Selfishness”. The type of our selfishness defines the person we are. I can say honestly that I’m selfish in a good way. What about you??
So, to sum everything up, the answer to my question is “Selfishness”. The type of our selfishness defines the person we are. I can say honestly that I’m selfish in a good way. What about you??